Women in Christ

Membership Application


We are all uniquely made by God with specific gifts and talents, and it is a blessing to use them for His glory. Jesus is our beautiful example of being a servant, and we desire to follow in His path. There is great joy, sense of purpose, and often newfound friendships as we use the gifts given by His Spirit to serve and love one another. We invite you to prayerfully consider an area of service within our Women’s Ministry, and then submit a ministry application.

Our Women’s Ministry is here to encourage you to live in God’s love and His Word so that your life will produce spiritual fruit that impacts your realm of influence at home and in this world.

We provide Bible studies, discipleship, events, retreats, and various home gatherings (Women’s Tea Party, Movie Night) to help you grow spiritually and help you connect with other women for encouragement and accountability.

We believe that every woman is an important part of the body of Christ at Victorious Living Church, and we make it our goal to provide a place to serve the Lord with gladness and use the gifts He has distributed by His grace for His honor and glory and for the benefit and building of His church.